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Hziggjqzkkurvxlje5vhlkgkzgg 3x1 – Auge um Auge

Still dealing with the aftermath of her own divorce, Abby represents a woman whose ex-husband left her for a man and now wants to use their last remaining embryo - created when they were married - to start a new family together.

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Kbouxb0jiudebxrn9952c9lnwya 3x2 – Verdrängt und eingewickelt

Abby uses Cecil to trap romance fraudster after prejudiced judge blocks Daniel's annulment request.

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Jrpjmk1dqu8kym9poxpsxypqf 3x3 – Weltuntergangsstimmung

Abby represents an environmental activist whose devotion to the cause might cost him custody of his children. Meanwhile, a meeting with an old flame lands Harry in trouble.

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1bnwoskpp16zwdpnkglbpgi8k3f 3x4 – Spiel im Verborgenen

Abby finds herself playing both lawyer and counselor as she helps a paranoid and deeply closeted actor avoid being outed to the public when his bitter ex writes a play about him.

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Y1djiekanetei130fyax9odqvcy 3x5 – Motivieren und manipulieren

Abby scrambles to undo damage after she advises a pair of exhausted parents to surrender their autistic son to the Ministry for support and her clients are charged with neglect, and Danial continues to try and secure a big client.

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Y0smznbem7lrpce8kyzax2outor 3x6 – Bigamie und Poesie

When a heart attack lands Judge Chip Crombie in hospital and both his wives show up, Abby revels in her nemesis' shame at being exposed as a bigamist.

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Amdfq0ielxlzhy15ghnfpm2uy0z 3x7 – Wie die Mutter, so der Sohn

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3x8 – Wo ein letzter Wille ist...

The parallels to their own lives are unmistakable when both Abby and Daniel represent clients who want something a court can't order: their parents' respect.

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3x9 – Ein letzter Wunsch

Abby's client, Naomi, wants a medically assisted death before Alzheimer's destroys her capacity to consent, but Naomi's grieving son seeks a court order to block her access.

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3x10 – Kuckuckseier

When a DNA test reveals that Carla's child was switched at birth, Abby fights for her client. Sofia's school essay makes Abby question the work she's done to stay sober.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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