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1x1 – Folge 1

Amy breaks Morgan's favourite pink mug on the beach. The Bananas find the broken mug and try to fix it, but they get themselves into a very sticky situation.

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1x2 – Folge 2

The Bananas and Teddies are going on a picnic but the Bananas have forgotten to get any food. They decide that it's "Trick Time" and become "picnic thieves".

1x3 – Folge 3

Morgan is building a spaceship in the hope of flying to the moon.

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1x4 – Folge 4

The Bananas and Teddies decide to camp overnight in the Teddies' backyard. The Bananas scare the Teddies with strange noises.

1x5 – Folge 5

Amy loses her shoe. Where can it be? Has she checked the fridge?

1x6 – Folge 6

It's raining outside so the Bananas and Teddies decide to play hide and seek inside. The Teddies hide and the Bananas look for them.

1x7 – Folge 7

The Bananas in Pyjamas like fixing things. Morgan's music box is very quiet and Amy's radio is very loud, so the Bananas decide it's "fixing time".

1x8 – Folge 8

Lulu and the Bananas make a see saw in the park, but they have some problems balancing the saw.

1x9 – Folge 9

The bananas find a box with a sailing ship on it on the beach They believe that it is a pirate treasure and open it up only to find a map inside.

1x10 – Folge 10

The Teddies have to clear autumn leaves from the park, but Morgan has woken up in a grumpy mood. The Bananas decide to help the Teddies and to cheer up Morgan.

1x11 – Folge 11

It's a windy day and the beach is filled with newspaper. The Bananas start to clean up, wondering who is the litterbug.

1x12 – Folge 12

Morgan sometimes gets scared at night when it's windy and stormy. When he goes to get a glass of milk, he accidentally opens the wrong door and locks himself in the wardrobe.

1x13 – Folge 13

Lulu is taking care of a sunflower in the park and wishes she could do something to make it grow faster. The Bananas decide to play a trick on Lulu by putting a box of quick grow next to the flower when Lulu isn't around.

1x14 – Folge 14

B1 and B2 have a package to deliver to the teddies, only problem is the fact that they cannot fit it inside the house due to size.

1x15 – Folge 15

Amy and Morgan cannot resist touching a newly-painted bench just to see if it really is wet.

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1x16 – Folge 16

The Bananas trick Morgan by dressing Lulu up as a robot to help with cleaning.

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1x17 – Folge 17

The Teddies and Bananas are going on a holiday. Everyone goes home to pack but Morgan just wants to play a little longer in the park. But when Amy locks her key and tickets inside the house, it's Morgan who saves the day.

1x18 – Folge 18

The Bananas decide to decorate their house with some new wallpaper.

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1x19 – Folge 19

The Teddies have run out of munchy honey cakes and so Morgan wants to go out and get some, but it's raining outside.

1x20 – Folge 20

Morgan hurts his arm playing on the beach. Luckily the "Doctor Bananas" are nearby and come to the rescue.

1x21 – Folge 21

It's the Bananas' birthday on Friday and the Teddies start to prepare for a surprise party while B1 and B2 go out to buy each other presents.

1x22 – Folge 22

The Teddies are trying to make the Bananas a birthday cake, but things keep going wrong.

1x23 – Folge 23

Still unaware of the Teddies' surprise party on Friday, the Bananas decide to hold their own party on the same day.

1x24 – Folge 24

The Teddies learn that the Bananas are having a party tomorrow, on the same day as theirs.

1x25 – Folge 25

It's the day of the Bananas' birthday and there are two parties on Cuddles Avenue until the Teddies suggest they merge them both into one better and bigger celebration.

1x26 – Folge 26

Amy befriends a spider and brings it into the house, but Morgan is scared of it.

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1x27 – Folge 27

Amy is trying to build a big castle out of blocks. Unfortunately she always seems to be in the way and the castle keeps being knocked down.

1x28 – Folge 28

The Bananas have colds and are miserable so the Teddies decide to put on a show. The show is a disaster, but the Bananas laugh so much that they feel better.

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1x29 – Folge 29

The Bananas find a broken guitar and an old fishing rod while cleaning up the beach. They plan a "Fix It" time.

1x30 – Folge 30

The Bananas' stairs are squeaking. They decide it's "Music Time" and use the stairs to play a simple tune.

1x31 – Folge 31

It's dancing time on Cuddles Avenue.

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1x32 – Folge 32

Amy uses her new tape recorder to record a song the Teddies and Bananas have created together.

1x33 – Folge 33

The Teddies dress up in special costumes to make a video clip for their song. They visit the Bananas who have decorated their house just like a disco.

1x34 – Folge 34

The Bananas play a trick on the Teddies by knocking on their door and hiding.

1x35 – Folge 35

B1 and B2 have been invited to a fancy dress party, but they don't have any costumes. Fortunately, the Teddies save the day by making them some.

1x36 – Folge 36

The Bananas see a rainbow on the beach and decide to search for the pot of gold that is at the end of every rainbow - but rainbows are hard to catch.

1x37 – Folge 37

Lulu spends the day fishing but doesn't catch a single fish. The Bananas have caught a whole basket full of fish. They give Lulu a fishing lesson.

1x38 – Folge 38

Lulu has a new magic set. She practices all day and then puts on a magic show. Morgan is jealous and keeps trying to spoil the fun.

1x39 – Folge 39

Lulu organises an obstacle race in the park. The others are not very enthusiastic so Lulu gives them a head start.

1x40 – Folge 40

The Teddies and Bananas have lots of fun taking part in three legged, egg and spoon and sack races. And best of all - everyone wins.

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